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Couples Communication Date Night

This communication date night is a great night out with your spouse learning about how God has wired you and created you to be a gift for each other. PLACE is an online assessment that helps reveal how God has given you a personality, spiritual gifts, abilities, passions, and life experiences that impact your relationships. 

Join us for dinner and dessert as we walk you through your personal Place results and leave with a renewed sense of who God created you to be for your own sake and for this special relationship with your spouse. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide childcare, please make arrangements for children to remain at home. 

Everyone who registers for the date night must complete the PLACE assessment, which can be found at In order to make sure you get to learn about your communications styles be sure you have finished PLACE by end of day Nov 10. 

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Email :
Spouse's First Name:
Spouse's Last Name:
Spouse's Cell:
Spouse's Email :